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5 real and honest lessons we have learned on social media!

After working with businesses in multiple industries and years of trial and error, this is what we have learned about social media!

It is so easy to get into “social media ruts” or “creative slumps” but these 5 things really helped push our clients accounts to success!

Disclaimer: This is just our opinion and is solely based on our experiences in the space!


#1 Your content is not about you – Your content should be for your audience. Remember  that majority of average users scrolling don’t care about you yet… You need to create content strategy based on what your audience wants to see.

#2 You don’t need to be on every platform – Find out where your target audience is spending most of their time and then focus on those platforms… it is better to put your energy into fewer platforms and really succeed, rather than spread your social media efforts too thin amongst them all.

#3 Use buzz words to get users to stop scrolling – Using Trends and Buzz Words may seem “cringy” or “salesy”, you really need to test our what hooks and words resonate with your audience and use them… Use these to help identify the major pain points your consumer is having to create more content your audience really values.

#4 Organic growth takes work – In order to grow your account, you need to put in at least 30 to 60 minutes a day interacting with accounts in your niche and your current followers… It seems simple, but don’t forget to reply to stores, DM accounts you love, follow new users in your target audience and connect with others in your industry!

#5 Don’t post just to post – Yes, posting consistently is the key but don’t let it ruin the quality of your content. It is better to skip a day of posting if you have nothing valuable to share.


Want to learn more? Contact us today for a FREE discovery call.

You’re just a Hopp, Skipp & a Jumpp away from making your business thrive 🦘

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